At 6LOG DECON, we specialize in
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE VAPOR (VHP) DECONTAMINATION SOLUTIONS (services and equipment), ensuring consistent sterile environments for pharmaceutical, biotech, R&D, and healthcare industries.

With over 30 years of experience, we provide unparallel bio-decontamination services and equipment for labs, cleanrooms, buildings, and equipment such as biological safety cabinets (BSC), laminar air-flows (LAF), glove boxes, passthrough, isolators, and more.

Welcome to 6LOG DECON

Experts in Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor (VHP) Decontamination

a brick building with a sign that says apothee
a brick building with a sign that says apothee
close up photography of stainless steel tank
close up photography of stainless steel tank
photo of white Food signage
photo of white Food signage
white and black microscope
white and black microscope
a group of doctors performing surgery on a patient
a group of doctors performing surgery on a patient
man in green scrub suit holding white plastic tube
man in green scrub suit holding white plastic tube
Food Processing
R&D / Biotech
503 A/B Pharmacy

Industries we Serve

Our Services

Cabin Decontamination

Lab/Building/Cleanroom Decontamination

EtO - VHP Sterilizer Conversion

Our Equipment

Small (cabin) vaporizer

Large (room) vaporizer

H2O2 sterilizer

Contact us Today

  • Do you have any questions or comments?

  • Would you like a presentation on hydrogen peroxide vaporization?

  • Ready to decont your equipment/room? Schedule your service!

  • Are you unsure if VHP is safe for your equipment/environment?

  • Would you like more information?

  • Read our blog / Check our FAQ area

Call us at (689) 276 0283 or drop us a line.